Firstgreen Consulting Pvt Ltd

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by in Green Buildings

Unlocking Energy Efficiency: Understanding the Star Rating Scheme for Commercial Buildings in India

India is rapidly urbanizing, with commercial buildings playing a vital role in the country’s economic growth. However, with the increasing energy demand and environmental concerns, it is crucial to promote energy-efficient practices in the commercial building sector. The Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) in India has introduced the Star Rating Scheme for Existing Office Buildings, […]

by in Green Economy

Waste = Food: The Principles of Circular Economy and the Paradigm Shift in Resource Management

In today’s world, the linear model of “take-make-waste” has led to unprecedented levels of waste generation and resource depletion, contributing to environmental degradation and social inequality. However, there is a paradigm shift underway towards a more sustainable and regenerative approach known as the circular economy, where waste is seen as a valuable resource and “waste […]

by in Green Economy

What is Circular Economy? Understanding the Basics of a Sustainable Economic Model

The concept of a circular economy is gaining traction as a promising solution to tackle the global challenges of resource depletion, waste generation, and environmental degradation. In contrast to the traditional linear economy, which follows a “take-make-waste” model, the circular economy aims to keep resources in use for as long as possible, extracting maximum value […]

by in Sustainable Development

Sustainable Construction: A Guide to Effective Waste Management and Disposal

Construction and demolition activities generate a significant amount of waste, including debris, materials, and packaging. Improper management and disposal of construction waste can have detrimental environmental and social impacts, such as pollution, resource depletion, and health hazards. However, with a proactive approach towards sustainable waste management, construction projects can minimize their environmental footprint, conserve resources, […]

by in TRUE Certification

Zero Waste: Redefining Waste, Reshaping Sustainability

Organizations can achieve Zero Waste by embracing a circular economy mindset, rethinking their entire production and consumption cycle, and collaborating with stakeholders to prevent waste, recycle resources, and create sustainable solutions that benefit the environment, economy, and society Organizations need to aspire to zero waste targets for several compelling reasons: Here are some strategies that […]

by in Building Energy modeling, Green Buildings

Step-by-Step Approach to Life Cycle Costing for Building Construction

Introduction: Life cycle costing (LCC) is a financial analysis method used in building construction that takes into consideration the total costs associated with a building over its entire life cycle, including its construction, operation, maintenance, and end-of-life phases. It provides a comprehensive and holistic approach to evaluating the financial viability of building projects, allowing stakeholders […]

by in Sustainable Development

Paving the Way to Sustainable Roads: Plastic Bitumen Aggregate for Building Construction

The construction industry is constantly seeking innovative and sustainable solutions to reduce its environmental impact. One such solution gaining traction is the use of plastic bitumen aggregate in building construction, particularly in road paving. This alternative material has the potential to revolutionize the way we build roads, offering several benefits in terms of sustainability, durability, […]

by in Green Buildings

Building for Tomorrow: Replacing Ordinary Portland Cement with Alternative Building Materials

Construction plays a significant role in shaping our built environment, but it also has a significant environmental impact. One major contributor to this impact is the production of Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC), a commonly used binding material in concrete that requires high energy consumption and releases a significant amount of carbon dioxide during its production […]

by in Sustainable Development

Paving the Way: Exploring Alternative Materials for Sustainable External Site Development

Introduction: When it comes to external site development, such as roads, parking lots, sidewalks, and other outdoor spaces, traditional construction materials like concrete and asphalt have long been the go-to options. However, as sustainability becomes a more significant consideration in modern construction practices, alternative materials are gaining traction for their eco-friendly benefits. In this article, […]

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