Firstgreen Consulting Pvt Ltd

All posts by: admin

by in TRUE Certification, Uncategorized

Zero Waste Management Investment Plan for a Commercial Building: A Practical Guide

Introduction Implementing zero waste management in a commercial building can contribute to a sustainable and eco-friendly environment. However, determining the investment required for zero waste management can be challenging due to various factors that impact the costs. This article will guide you through the steps to create an investment plan for zero waste compliance, using […]

by in TRUE Certification, Uncategorized

Waste Management Compliance for Commercial Buildings in India: A Comprehensive Guide

Introduction Commercial buildings in India, such as offices, shopping malls, hotels, and hospitals, generate significant amounts of waste. It’s essential for these establishments to follow waste management regulations to ensure a cleaner and healthier environment. This article highlights the key waste management compliances and procedures that commercial buildings in India need to follow. List of […]

by in TRUE Certification, Uncategorized

Waste Management in India: Tax Benefits and Incentives to Drive Sustainable Practices

India generates a significant amount of waste, making efficient waste management crucial for public health, the environment, and resource conservation. To promote proper waste management practices, the Indian government offers various tax benefits and incentives for companies and individuals engaged in waste management activities. In this article, we will explore these incentives and provide a […]

by in Project Management, Renewable Energy

Understanding the Voluntary Carbon Market: Production, Project Types, Buyers, and Rates

The voluntary carbon market is a global marketplace where companies, individuals, and governments can voluntarily offset their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by purchasing carbon credits, known as voluntary carbon offsets, from projects that reduce or remove GHG emissions. In this article, we explore how voluntary carbon offsets are produced, the different project types, major buyers, […]

by in Solar

Solar Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs): Firstgreen Consulting Paves the Way for Corporates to Achieve Net Zero Goals

As businesses worldwide strive to achieve net zero targets, solar Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) have emerged as a powerful solution to reduce Scope 2 emissions while providing long-term price stability and cost savings. This article explores how solar PPAs can help organizations reach their sustainability goals, and highlights how Firstgreen Consulting can simplify the cleantech […]

by in ECBC-Energy Conservation Building Code

Harnessing Energy Attribute Certificates (EACs) to Achieve Net Zero Goals

As organizations worldwide strive to reach their net zero targets, various tools and strategies have emerged to facilitate this transition. Energy Attribute Certificates (EACs), Renewable Energy Credits (RECs), and carbon offsets are some of the key instruments available for businesses to reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to a more sustainable future. This article explores […]

by in Sustainable Development

Three Steps Towards Achieving Net Zero: A Guide for Sustainable Progress

In the face of growing climate change concerns, achieving net zero has become a vital goal for governments, businesses, and individuals worldwide. Net zero refers to balancing the amount of greenhouse gas emissions produced with an equivalent amount removed from the atmosphere, ultimately resulting in no net increase in global warming. This article presents three […]

by in Building Energy modeling

The Buildings of the Future: Smart Building Technology Trends and Predictions

As our world evolves, so do the buildings that make up our urban landscapes. With the advancement of technology and the growing focus on sustainability, the future of building design promises smarter, more efficient, and more eco-friendly structures. This article explores the key trends and predictions for smart building technology, based on the Verdantix report […]

by in Green Buildings

The Impact of CO2 Levels and Ventilation Rates on Indoor Air Quality and Satisfaction in Office Spaces

Maintaining a healthy and productive work environment requires understanding the importance of CO2 levels and ventilation rates on indoor air quality (IAQ). Elevated CO2 concentrations in office spaces can negatively affect employee wellbeing, productivity, and satisfaction. This article discusses the role of CO2 as an indicator of human bio effluents, the relationship between CO2 levels […]

by in Battery Storage

The Future of Lithium-Ion Batteries: Tesla’s Shift to Lithium-Sulfur

The lithium-ion battery has become an indispensable part of our lives, powering everything from smartphones and laptops to electric vehicles. However, as the demand for clean energy solutions continues to grow, researchers and industry leaders have been pushing the boundaries of lithium-ion battery technology to create more efficient, lightweight, and cost-effective alternatives. One such development […]

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