Solar Shoppe

Are you looking for purchase of solar products such as solar panels, inverters, batteries, mounting structures, etc. You have come to the right place . We will provide you with the best quality solar products from leading manufacturers around the world.

Firstgreen solar Shoppe is an online sales platform intended for the solar professionals and solar installers requirements. The solar installers can now buy the solar panels, inverters, batteries and other accessories online at a factory price. The Firstgreen solar shoppe is an eCommerce platform to make solar affordable to every household of Africa. We are also having our app for the convenience of your purchase of solar products. We also bring wealth of knowledge to guide the step by step installation process and online support to the solar enthusiasts who want to install the solar PV systems at their houses on their own. Firstgreen solar shoppe also provides an online tool to size your requirement and prepare your bill of quantity online. You can also calculate your payback period for your investment. Our aim is to make solar affordable. 

150Solar Installations
200Solar Products
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Featured Products


Mounting Structures


Contact us for your solar product requirement

Phone: + 254 20 4442100
Mob: 0712702095
Solar Consultants First Green Limited
P.O.Box, 66743, Westlands- 00800 Nairobi, Kenya

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